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Better Connection To Your Tools. Better Control Of Your Work.

ColorCoded Clips
You value your time and your craft. Our ColorCoded Clips allow you to maximize both. Now you can identify the right tool at a glance and keep the work moving smoothly.

TetheredTool Clips
Quickly add a tethered connection point to any of the 150+ KNIPEXTEND ready tools. The TetheredTool clip easily connects your tool to the KNIPEX Tethered Tool System and protects against accidents caused by falling tools.

Learn how to use the new handle system
Before using these handles please read through these operating instructions.
One Idea. A Thousand Possibilities.
KNIPEX fans are just as creative as we are. Download the 3D print data and create your own idea today!

Visit KNIPEX-TOOLS.com to See How Far Your Hands Will Take You.